DDIC - Illinois


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Enacted Laws

SB 3184 – Specifies that it is unlawful to take, pursue or intentionally harass any wild birds or mammals by use or aid of any unmanned aircraft. View the Bill

SB 44 - WILDLIFE-PROHIBIT DRONE USE. Enacted as Public Act 99-0392. View the Act 

SB 421 - Regulates the movement of drone, as defined in Section 5 of the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act, upon the surface of any public airport or in the air above the incorporated territory of the authority. View the Bill

SB 1587 - Creates the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Provides that a law enforcement agency may not use a drone to gather information. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency under special circumstances.(Enacted as Public Act 098-0569) View the Act

SB 2937 - Provides that except as provided in the Act, a law enforcement agency may not acquire information from or direct the acquisition of information through the use of a drone owned by a private third party. (Enacted as Public Act 098-0831) View the Act

SB 3291 - Provides that regulation of unmanned aircraft systems is an exclusive power and function of the state. View the Bill

Active Legislation

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HB 3480 - Provides that it is unlawful for any person to, without the consent of another person, operate an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a manner that: 1) is intended to cause the UAV to enter the space above or surrounding the other person’s occupied residence for the purpose of making a video record or transmitting live video or audio recordings of the other person, or 2) invades the other person’s reasonable expectation of privacy. View the Bill

HB 3713 - Provides that the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act does not prohibit the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is using the drone for pilot practice, training of a law enforcement officer, airborne photography or video for community marketing purposes, or flight demonstrations for the general public. View the Bill

HB 5452 – Allows a law enforcement agency to use a drone: i) to assist an emotionally disturbed person, if the agency is not also undertaking a criminal investigation; ii) to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement at a special event; and iii) to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service under certain circumstances. Specifies that the information gathered by a drone is subject to the disclosure and exception to disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. View the Bill

SB 4234 – Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency at a special event to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement and provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service. View the Bill

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SB 4248 – Provides circumstances in which a law enforcement agency is permitted to use drones, including for training or public relations, for assisting an emotionally disturbed person, for crowd monitoring at special events, and for responding to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service when the primary purpose is to locate or assist victims, identify offenders, or guide emergency response. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2020)

HB 4830 - This bill would provide that the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act does not prohibit the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the agency is using the drone for pilot practice, training, airborne photography, or video for community marketing purposes or flight demonstrations for the general public. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2019)

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HB 2295 - Provides that the Department of Transportation may adopt any rules that it finds appropriate to address the safe and legal operation of unmanned aircraft systems in the state. View the Bill

HB 2874 - Provides that it is unlawful for any person to, without the consent of another person, operate an unmanned aerial vehicle in a manner that: (1) is intended to cause the unmanned aerial vehicle to enter the space above or surrounding the other person's occupied residence for the purpose of making a video record or transmitting live video or audio recordings of the other person while the other person is: (A) within his or her occupied residence; or (B) on the land or premises on which his or her occupied residence is located; and (2) invades the other person's reasonable expectation of privacy. Provides that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor. View the Bill

HB 3190 - Creates the offense of criminal trespass to a critical infrastructure facility. Provides that a person commits the offense when he or she knowingly: (1) operates an unmanned aircraft system over a critical infrastructure facility at an altitude not higher than 400 feet above ground level; or (2) allows an unmanned aircraft system to make contact with a critical infrastructure facility, including any person or object on the premises of or within the facility. Provides exemptions. View the Bill

HB 3366 - Provides that the Act does not prohibit the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is using the drone for pilot practice or training of a law enforcement officer or airborne photography or video for community marketing purposes or flight demonstrations for the general public. View the Bill

HB 3452 - Provides that a person commits public safety remote aerial interference when he or she knowingly operates an unmanned aerial vehicle intended to obstruct or interfere with the performance by one known to the person to be a peace officer, firefighter, emergency responder, or member of a search and rescue team who is performing or attempting to perform his or her official duties. This offense is a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation is a Class 4 felony. View the Bill

HB 3464 - Creates the offense of criminal trespass to a penal institution with an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle. Provides that a person commits the offense when he or she, without lawful authority, knowingly and intentionally operates an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle below the navigable airspace overlying a penal institution. Creates the offense of capturing images or data of a penal institution through the operation of an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle. Provides that a person commits the offense when he or she, without lawful authority, knowingly and intentionally operates an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle below the navigable airspace overlying a penal institution and captures images or data of the penal institution through the operation of the aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle, with the intent to commit, facilitate, or aid in the commission of a violation of the Interference With Penal Institution Article of the Code or the offense of escape or aiding escape. View the Bill

HB 3649 - Provides that a person commits operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle by a sex offender when he or she is: (1) required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act; and (2) is subject to conditional release, parole, mandatory supervised release, or any other condition imposed by the court who knowingly or intentionally operates an unmanned aerial vehicle for the purpose of following, contacting, or capturing images of one or more individuals. Operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle by a sex offender is a Class 4 felony. A second or subsequent violation is a Class 3 felony. View the Bill

SB 415 - Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act View the Bill  

SB 906 - Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act View the Bill

SB 2562 - Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act to provide for an exemption to the Act for a law enforcement agency that is using a drone to prepare for or monitor safety and security at a large-scale event, if drone usage is limited to legitimate public safety purposes, including, but not limited to, evaluating crowd size, density, or movement, assessing public safety vulnerabilities or weaknesses, determining appropriate staffing levels for law enforcement or other public safety personnel, or identifying possible criminal activity. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2018)

HB 4405 - Provides an exemption to the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act for a law enforcement agency that is using a drone to prepare for or monitor safety and security at a large-scale event, if drone usage is limited to legitimate public safety purposes, including, but not limited to, evaluating crowd size, density, or movement, assessing public safety vulnerabilities or weaknesses, determining appropriate staffing levels for law enforcement or other public safety personnel, or identifying possible criminal activity. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2017)

HB 3838 - Creates the offense of criminal trespass to a critical infrastructure facility. Provides that a person commits the offense when he or she knowingly: (1) operates an unmanned aircraft system over a critical infrastructure facility at an altitude not higher than 400 feet above ground level; or (2) allows an unmanned aircraft system to make contact with a critical infrastructure facility, including any person or object on the premises of or within the facility. View the Bill

HB 3906 - Provides that it is unlawful for any person to, without the consent of another person, operate an unmanned aerial vehicle in a manner that: (1) is intended to cause the unmanned aerial vehicle to enter the space above or surrounding the other person's occupied residence for the purpose of making a video record or transmitting live video or audio recordings of the other person while the other person is: (A) within his or her occupied residence; or (B) on the land or premises on which his or her occupied residence is located; and (2) invades the other person's reasonable expectation of privacy. Defines "unmanned aerial vehicle." View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2016)

HB 4538 - Provides that in addition to any other penalty provided by law, an additional one year of imprisonment shall be added to the sentence of a person who commits bringing contraband into a penal institution or unauthorized bringing or delivery of contraband into a penal institution by an employee by using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Provides that a person who knowingly and intentionally operates an unmanned aerial vehicle below the navigable airspace overlaying a State penal institution is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. View the Bill

SB 2344 - Provides that in addition to any other penalty provided by law, an additional one year of imprisonment shall be added to the sentence of a person who commits bringing contraband into a penal institution or unauthorized bringing or delivery of contraband into a penal institution by an employee by using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Provides that a person who knowingly and intentionally operates an unmanned aerial vehicle below the navigable airspace overlaying a State penal institution is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. View the Bill

SB 2588 - Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone for law enforcement training purposes. Training must be completed in a geographically confined and time-limited manner to safeguard the privacy of individuals. The use of a drone on private property requires lawful consent. The use of a drone on land, highways, roadways, or areas belonging to the State or political subdivisions of the State does not require a search warrant or consent to search. A law enforcement agency shall make every reasonable attempt to only photograph the law enforcement training and avoid other areas or individuals. Provides that a supervisor at a law enforcement agency may retain information gathered by a drone used for law enforcement training purposes. A supervisor of a law enforcement agency who uses a drone for law enforcement training purposes may disclose particular information to another government agency. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2015)

HB 1048 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Provides that if and only if Senate Bill 44 of the 99th General Assembly becomes law, then the Unmanned Aerial System Oversight Task Force Act is amended to allow the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives and the President and Minority Leader of the Senate to appoint members to the Task Force. Effective immediately or on the date Senate Bill 44 of the 99th General Assembly takes effect, whichever is later. View the Bill

HB 3996 - Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person also commits disorderly conduct when he or she knowingly uses a drone to harass or conduct surveillance of another person without the consent of that other person and with the intent to alarm or disturb that other person. Defines ""drone"". Provides that a violation is a Class A misdemeanor. View the Bill

HB 3421 - Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Adds to disorderly conduct for a person to knowingly operate any aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator in flight below the minimum altitudes of flight prescribed by the laws of this State or by rules of the Division of Aeronautics of the Department of Transportation of this State over any stadium, arena, or the real property or parking area of any stadium or arena, during times when more than 35 persons are present for an event, except as provided ... View the Bill

HB 3699 -Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that the exemption from a violation of the statute concerning hunter or fisherman interference for landowners, tenants, or lease holders exercising their legal rights to the enjoyment of land does not apply when those actions are knowingly or intentionally interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife or aquatic life by an adjacent landowner, tenant, or lease holder. View the Bill